Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The popular hangout on web might be Orkut for Indians but My Space is fast pacing up with multiplied websites providing My space goodies like layouts, profile pimps, comment codes, etc. To avoid the mistakes Orkut did, My Space announced recently that it will develop technologies to help block convicted sex offenders by partnering with Sentinel Tech Holding Corp. They will build a database that will contain the names and physical descriptions of convicted sex offenders in US. An automated system will search for matches between the database and My space user profiles. Parents, school administrators and law enforcement authorities have grown worried that teens are at risk on My Space and other social networking sites, which provide tools for sharing photos, creating personal pages and using pimp up profile sites. In October, about 12% were teens on My Space.

Well, this reminds me to mention the Dinosaur Band Rockosaurus Rex, Aliens come down to Earth with a profile at My space. They are the Rock Band Group who entertain children & adults too, with their new CD 'Big Bang' Rock Rhymes for Kids. You may read my review of this CD here on my site and get into the groove with kids dancing n romping on kiddie rock rhymes. Enjoy!

- ilaxi

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