Monday, October 17, 2005

Google launched a blog to help publishers understand the inner workings of AdSense. Yeah, the move comes as the Google vs Yahoo battle is on. The search giant is confronted by direct competition from Yahoo's Publisher Network and pressure from publishers to make AdSense less more transparent. In the battle between Google and Yahoo, the advantage will go to whichever company can produce the highest effective CPMs for publishers.

The "Inside Adsense" Blog and Google Adsense support offer optimization tips and feature descriptions to prospective and existing publishers in the AdSense network, with up to three posts a week by AdSense Engineers, Product managers, Product marketing managers, and Operations staff.

Yahoo's Publisher's Guide to RSS is all on how to Distribute content to Yahoo. Given in five steps: RSS on Yahoo, Submit RSS Feed, Promote Your Feed, Track your Success and the last is ad network launch this month with the Beta [Monetize Your Site]Earn Income from your site! This is likely to be an ongoing battle between the two search giants to improve both their offerings and their customer service and the benefits are the End users who gonna eat the cake or let it go. The Big Search Engine war is on and we expect more new features from Yahoo, Google and Msn - a changing Scenario on the web.


Monday, October 10, 2005

Blog and RSS Landscape has been really shaping up the market recently. As I got exploring the tech world, its new announcements every day! AOL is buying weblogs for approximately $25 million with the first deal paid of $2.5 million as revealed by verisign! The company's network includes approximately 80 advertising supported sites published by a group of more than 100 bloggers. Its blog properties include Autoblog, Blogging Baby and Engadget, which is Weblog's busiest site, according to traffic measurement provided by Technorati.

Now, recently I visited AOL and the most interesting was the 25 People We Envy Most which features Gwen, J K Rowling, Sergei Brin and Larry Page of Google,etc. Indeed, Fortune pays tribute to the people that makes us Jealous - Really? Nope, I think fortune pays tribute to the people who are Lucky becoz they are the Chosen One!

- ilaxi